Post by goodygumdrop on Nov 21, 2012 19:27:54 GMT -5
Hello all!
I just wanted to pop in as I have been lurking for a little bit. I am 31 and freshly off the pill after 13 years. My husband and I have been married 3 years and are looking forward to having kids.
I am on CD22 and am using FF as a guide, I had pretty crazy right sided low abdomen pain (assumed it was mittleschmerz and that I had ovulated) on CD14 &15. But since than I have been just kind of crampy in general on and off (feeling like AF was coming on). FF originally said I ovulated on CD15, but yesterday readjusted and said I ovulated CD18. My question is, is it possible that I actually did ovulate on CD15 and all this cramping is from implantation? This is my first cycle off the pill so I don't really know what to expect. It would be great if I did ovulate CD15 because we had very good timing!
Post by thoseareradishes on Nov 21, 2012 21:04:51 GMT -5
It is possible, but you won't know until you get a BFP or your period. You may find that you are very aware of everything your body does now. Try not to let it drive you crazy!
Just going off the pill can change your cycle a lot. And as pp said you will now be more aware of your body because you are TTC. Try not to stress over every little thing. (I just started my second cycle TTC, an I'm already freaking out )
Post by winecheery on Nov 21, 2012 23:59:49 GMT -5
It's definitely going to bring up some weird body twinges, just coming off the pill. Cramps post O are possible with or without it being IB, but I hope you're lucky!
I feel things more now than I ever did my 10 years of being on the pill.
Everything is possible when TTC, especially when you're just off BCP. I never ever had pms symptoms like sore boobs and stuff before TTC and I was ofg BCP for 5 years at that point. When starting to try, everything suddenly happened. You're just super aware of your body.