A will be 9 in a couple months and occasionally makes comments about having stinky armpits, she doesn't seem too concerned about it yet but I can tell she is starting to get a bit self conscious. I'm wondering if I should make the move and get deodorant for her or wait until she seems more concerned.
I'd buy it for her and just leave it in the bathroom cabinet - tell her she can use it if she wants to, or wait if she wants to. That way she can kind of make that decision without necessarily sharing it, you know?
I can't remember how old I was but probably 10? I was an early bloomer.
Yeah, I think I was around 10 too. I like Elsa's suggestion of buying it and letting her know it's there and letting her choose. Or you could ask her if she wants it. If she doesn't seem interested just drop it, and if she is happy you asked then go buy it together.
Thanks ladies! I grew up with a single dad who didn't always understand my needs so I started using deodorant later than I should have, I don't want A to be embarrassed like I was.
Butterfly, my mom made me wait until 12 and oh goodness did I nearly die of mortification. Not sure what her opposition to deodorant was all about. I'd say 9 or 10 is appropriate - it's one of the earlier puberty changes. Starting to use it earlier doesn't hurt anything, so I like the suggestion to get it and just let her decide when she wants to use it.
My mom (the deodorant opposer!) is a sixth grade teacher and now gives the "you need to use deodorant" talk to her whole class on the first day of school. Avoids the embarrassment of needing to have the talk with individual kids.