I really should have gotten a bikini wax for this.
Sex in my own bed, what?!
Update: So last night she went down easy again, woke up around 11:30, went back to sleep around midnight, and stayed asleep until 6 am! So I have hope that it will continue to get better. She's still not STTN like she was a couple of months ago, but we're getting there.
And we were finally able to have sex in our bed last night! And it was pretty damn good.
Fuck no she didn't. She was up twice for an hour each time, then H ended the third hour long wake up by bringing her to our bed. He left the room pissed that it was his turn with me disdainfully saying "this is what having a baby is motherfucker" (motherfucker was only in my head).
So yeah, no sex. I think she just needs a few nights to adjust. The good news is that she initially went down without a fight.