I feel like I haven't been on here mich . I spend most of my time on my baby month board. I have just 3 weeks until I go back to work and I'm dreading it. Especially since j sleep has been crap the last week or 2. Is there a 3 month sleep regression???
I'm halfway there! Holy shit. We have our anatomy scan on Wednesday. Looking forward to that. Then I have my surgery Friday, which I hope goes well. Another OB appointment next week, then we'll start registering. We bought our glider on Friday, and it should be here before Christmas. I just have nowhere to put it right now, lol.
I feel like we cannot catch a break with illness. B is CONSTANTLY sick, and when he's not sick, he's teething. The teething seems to be affecting him worse and worse with each new tooth. He is sent home from daycare at least once a week lately with a fever, and his teacher just texted me to say he has another one today. It comes right down with Tylenol so I'm not worried, but he has been having a hard time sleeping almost every night and he is so tired that I feel like his development has regressed a bit. He was so close to walking a few weeks ago and now he has no interest or energy to try.
H is constantly out of town and MIL, who usually can help me in times like this, just got out of the hospital with pneumonia, so it's been all on me to deal with this and it is very trying. Especially since work is really busy and I need to get all my holiday shopping and prep done in the next week because we are OOT almost all of December (which I'm sure will be a nightmare with an under-the-weather baby). Ugh.
I sort of want to look into switching to a nanny. I like our daycare, and I prefer daycare to nanny in general, but the constant illness is just taking such a toll on all of us. FT nannies are sooo expensive though...2-3x what we pay for daycare (and we already pay over $2k/month for one), and I don't want the hassle and coordination of a nanny share. Sigh.
Oh man, janegold, that sounds so stressful. I am sorry
S had his 4 month appointment today. He is doing great, but obviously hated the shots. They are a little concerned about his flat head so he is seeing a specialist. I hate that he might need a helmet!!
Post by donthasslethehoff on Nov 27, 2017 11:45:36 GMT -5
Dying with 24/7 morning sickness, which I feel absolutely ridiculous complaining about. I have to wait what will end up being a little over 3 weeks from my first u/s with my RE to my first u/s with my normal OB. At the very least the morning sickness has kept me hopeful that this pregnancy is progressing.
Quiet week here, only 1 appointment. We're getting discharged from OT tomorrow.
Thanksgiving did not go well and now I'm wondering what we're going to do for Christmas. My family is just so loud and in her face, she's not used to so much noise and activity. Also, she doesn't deal with missed naps well, so it's hard to keep her out very long. My mom was like, she'll just sleep on someone's lap! Yeah, no way Mom. She's not a newborn anymore, and anyway, she's not a big cuddler, even with me or H.
Oh man janegold, that's rough. I remember my son seemed to always be sick his first 18 months of life. It sucks but kind of comes with the territory with daycare. I, too, wanted to go back to our nanny when E was sick all the time, and I was sick all the time, and DH was out of town... as it is now, our entire household has been sick for the last month, with me having the worst of it.
janegold I am right there with you, unfortunately. C has missed 6 days of daycare in the last 3 weeks because of fevers. I can't remember the last time he managed a full week. Since my DH is a teacher and can't exactly pick up the phone and run out in the middle of the day, midday pick-ups always fall to me, and so do 80% of the full days home. My stomach drops every time I see that daycare is calling.
janegold that sounds rough I'm sorry! thoseareradishes I went in my brothers finished basement and put j to sleep for naps twice on thanksgiving. Everyone asked where I was going and I said he had to sleep or he would be miserable. I ended up holding him for one nap and my dad held him the other one. He only slept 35 minutes each time but it was enough to keep him from being too crabby and he slept the 2 hour ride home. kellikans yay for halfway there
janegold I am right there with you, unfortunately. C has missed 6 days of daycare in the last 3 weeks because of fevers. I can't remember the last time he managed a full week. Since my DH is a teacher and can't exactly pick up the phone and run out in the middle of the day, midday pick-ups always fall to me, and so do 80% of the full days home. My stomach drops every time I see that daycare is calling.
janegold, I'm sorry. Could you look into a smaller daycare setting? The other little girl who goes to A's dayhome transferred there because she was getting sick too often at the large daycare she'd been attending. It wouldn't help the teething fevers, but might keep him from catching quite as many colds. Not sure if dayhomes are a thing in your area, though. Plus, if A's teacher is sick, she closes for the day, so that can be inconvenient too, but probably similar to a nanny taking a sick day.
I'm half-assing Christmas for everyone except A and my H. Buying everything online, not doing Christmas cards this year because there's no photo of the 3 of us, and I didn't get it together soon enough to take a nice, wintry one of A. I don't bother getting gifts for in-laws because we have too many (I have 9 nieces and nephews and have never met any of them). Maybe this week I'll help my dad put up the festive lights, but that's about it.
King26, how did the drive on Thanksgiving go? How have you been doing/feeling lately? I've been thinking about you.
scm1011, janegold, I remember that being the case with our first winter in daycare too. If its any consolation, the second winter was infinitely better.
Thanks for thinking about me. I've been doing great. I think they got the right dose on my meds, j has been a happy boy, and DH has really stepped up. The last 3 weeks I've been really happy and enjoying being a mom. The drive went well too. We stopped halfway on the way thete. DH and I had coffee and breakfast at Starbucks and we fed and changed j. He slept the first half of the drive then was up when we stopped and for another 20 minutes but was fine. He slept the entire ride home so I was pleasantly surprised. He was a bear on friday because he went to bed super late Thursday but he was back to himself Saturday so i think it was a win all around and I feel better driving it now.
Post by cherryvalance on Nov 27, 2017 21:41:14 GMT -5
janegold, I'm sorry poor baby B is constantly sick . That seems awful for you and him. I am relieved that you said the sleep regression happened earlier for you guys, though, because I feel like DS is so inconsistent and I can't imagine him regressing further than this.
We have our four month appointment next week. Other than that, I'm just dealing with never having enough time for anything. On a positive note, I feel like I'm crazy efficient at work and getting home because my time with DS trained me to get shit done on a dime.
loira, I find myself not really GAF about Christmas gifts, either. I feel like I usually agonize over getting the right gifts for people and this year it's just whatever. I think I found decent things tailored to each person--it's not like I'm buying random crap just to buy it--but I'm definitely not stressing it.
Post by Chrysanthemum on Nov 27, 2017 22:27:50 GMT -5
shauni27, I’m sorry. C went through that too, let me know if you have questions. I struggled big time with it! King26, so glad to hear Thanksgiving went better than you thought and that you’re enjoying yourself lately! ((( thoseareradishes)))
We travelled out of state for Thanksgiving and C did great. Our longest day we were out and about for 11 hours and he did so much better than I expected! Stroller nap for the win! Ear tubes surgery #2 is scheduled for next week and we’re coming up on changing daycares when he turns one, so those are both stressful!
But, we are LOVING the holiday season as a family of 3. When we were struggling for those years, the Christmas tree made me happy at times when I was so sad. I kept it up one year through Valentine’s Day just because it made me feel a little better. We put the tree up this weekend and I just feel so sentimental and grateful.
Chrysanthemum, I would love to hear your experience! You can PM me if you would prefer. I would just really like any details. How long did C wear it, etc.
P is the cutest little thing in the world. We got his Christmas photos back. Omg.
He's still a really easy baby. Been a little fussier lately because I think he's teething, but nothing we can't handle. I love him so much. I hate being at work and I'm only here 2 times per week. He's really enjoying the purees I've made him with the exception of pears and carrots. I'm trying to think of what to make him next. So far we've done peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apples, bananas, avocado... that might be it. I'm going to do mangoes and peaches soon but then I'm sort of out of ideas!
As for the purees, that's quite the wide variety already! Have you tried combining flavors? C's favorites included: apples + white beans + dash of cinnamon avocado + banana peas + pears + spinach
eta: oops, sorry for the wrong tag kellikans - I mix you two up in my head sometimes!
As for the purees, that's quite the wide variety already! Have you tried combining flavors? C's favorites included: apples + white beans + dash of cinnamon avocado + banana peas + pears + spinach
eta: oops, sorry for the wrong tag kellikans - I mix you two up in my head sometimes!
The only mixing I've really done is apples + sweet potatoes and peas + sweet potatoes. I tried to sneak carrots in with apples and he was NOT having it.
Is there any reason to wait on white beans or spinach until he's 6 months? I couldn't remember if there were certain foods to wait longer on.
I'm hoping the pear refusal was just a texture thing. I just mashed them with my potato masher instead of putting them in the food processor like I usually do.
knx9211 , in addition to what you listed I've also done green beans, zucchini, turnips, and pumpkin. We are going out of town this weekend but when we get back I want to try some new ones. I might try broccoli and spinach next. When can we start dairy? I remember doing plain greek yogurt with my son and that was easy cause I just bought it. lol.
ETA as for mixtures, I freeze everything in 1 oz cubes and then just throw random stuff together when I defrost. So she gets all sorts of combinations.
knx9211, we didn't start solids until shortly before 6 months, so I'm not positive. It looks like your P is almost there in any case. My pedi suggested beans at his 6 month appointment, although I just did a quick google and some sites say 8+ months.
As for the pears, keep trying! There were some foods I had to try a few times before C was into them.
I thought my pedi told me to wait til 6 months for dairy, eggs, etc., but I can't remember!
scm1011, that's why I wondered. I swear I saw online that some things like beans, broccoli, kale, etc. should wait until 6-8 months. But he'll be 6 months next week. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.
knx9211 when did you start solids? I cannot wait for that. I have the baby bullet and will freeze purees as well. Also your photos are adorable!!
Thank you!
We started right around 5 months. Our pedi had originally said that they want us to wait until 6. But my understanding of the "exclusively breastfed" recommendation is that they don't need EXCLUSIVELY breastmilk/formula, but A LOT of it. So DS was nursing 4x a day (sometimes 5) and from what I pump at work, that means he was getting around 8-10 ounces per feeding. He was still hungry. Our pedi said that was a lot of milk and that if he still seemed hungry and otherwise seemed ready (sitting up well in his high chair, showing an obvious interest) to go for it! We now just do breakfast and some veggies in the afternoon, so twice a day. He loves it. It hasn't cut down on his nursing or milk intake at all.
knx9211 - Omg those pictures are adorable. I love all the pictures you post of P on instagram too!
Hope everyone's sick baby's are starting to feel better soon.
Just chugging along here, almost 18 weeks! Anatomy scan is next Monday. I am so nervous/excited for that. I did a elective ultrasound last week and it was nice to see baby moving around and doing his thing. He was super stubborn and hid his face most of the time but had no problem showing us his privates. He spent most of the ultrasound sucking his thumb or chewing on his hand while holding one ear with the other hand. It probably means nothing but I thought it was adorable since I was a huge thumb sucker as a baby as well.
Toddler mamas, what's your strategy with the tree? We always get a real one so won't have it for another couple of weeks, and I'm nervous about A wanting to pull off the decorations (and pull the tree over). She's usually pretty good about staying away from things I tell her are dangerous, but I also want her to like the tree. We sent her Santa letter in already... LOVE Canada Post for that service.