2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? We're in Myrtle Beach for a few days for one more kid free trip before baby comes. It's been lovely but I've done more walking in the last couple days than I have in a long time. And I'm exhausted. I also miss my bed because I'm sleeping crappier here than usual.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Exhausted and large most days, but I cant complain too much yet. I still feel good most of the time, but I feel those 2 things the most.
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I’m over being monitored. Either say I have to have the baby, or leave me alone! All of the back and forth is just stressing me out. We also did maternity pictures last night (bf REALLY wanted them for whatever reason, otherwise I wouldn’t have done them). We got 2 sneak peeks and while the actual photos are gorgeous, all I see is the things I hate about myself.
3. Questions for the group? If you had to deliver at 37w, would you attempt an induction or elect for (repeat) csection? All along I’ve been hoping and planning to VBAC, but the ob this morning encouraged me to at least think a little about electing for a RCS if that’s what it comes to later this week.
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Pretty shitty. I have good moments, but overall I’m feeling pretty yucky in general. I’m not to the point of not wanting to be pregnant anymore yet, though.
Post by urbancowgirl on Sept 30, 2019 10:44:39 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 15w
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? We found out last week through the cell-free DNA test that we're having a GIRL! The ultrasound tech was right!
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? I'm feeling pretty good at this point, although I tire very easily. Barely made it through a yoga class yesterday.
Post by urbancowgirl on Sept 30, 2019 10:49:44 GMT -5
dock, all of that monitoring sounds exhausting and stressful. Has your doc ever predicted whether or not a VBAC would be successful? Did the doc give any reasons why a RCS might be a better choice? When I met with the MFM, she used an algorithm to estimate the chances that I'll have a successful VBAC, which has been helpful as we start to think about delivery.
dock, all of that monitoring sounds exhausting and stressful. Has your doc ever predicted whether or not a VBAC would be successful? Did the doc give any reasons why a RCS might be a better choice? When I met with the MFM, she used an algorithm to estimate the chances that I'll have a successful VBAC, which has been helpful as we start to think about delivery.
I’ve been seeing the midwives all along, I’ve only seen obs when in l&d for monitoring, and at my appointment today for the first time. They have said they’d let me try, but would induce (unless I decide RCS) by my due date. I actually got the call Friday to schedule my induction, and I requested my DD to give myself as much time as possible to go into labor.
The ob today was pretty gentle about it, and it makes sense. I don’t want to go through another failed induction again if I’m nowhere near ready, but also dread the idea of RCS.
dock , all of that monitoring sounds exhausting and stressful. Has your doc ever predicted whether or not a VBAC would be successful? Did the doc give any reasons why a RCS might be a better choice? When I met with the MFM, she used an algorithm to estimate the chances that I'll have a successful VBAC, which has been helpful as we start to think about delivery.
I’ve been seeing the midwives all along, I’ve only seen obs when in l&d for monitoring, and at my appointment today for the first time. They have said they’d let me try, but would induce (unless I decide RCS) by my due date. I actually got the call Friday to schedule my induction, and I requested my DD to give myself as much time as possible to go into labor.
The ob today was pretty gentle about it, and it makes sense. I don’t want to go through another failed induction again if I’m nowhere near ready, but also dread the idea of RCS.
It's a tough decision to make. I hope you make it to your due date and are able to VBAC.
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I feel like I'm running out of time and I still have so much to do. And bending over is getting harder, so it makes doing the little every day things that much more difficult. I need a laundry and organization fairy please, lol.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? I'm feeling good, aside from the bending over bit. I had a fairly easy pregnancy the first time around and it seems to be going similar. *cross fingers*
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week?
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point?
1. 29+2 2. Failed my one hour glucose last week, so had my 3 hour this morning. Also anemic and started iron pills. Feet are like balloons. Also having numbness/tingling in my right hand, I guess carpal tunnel is common in pregnancy. Last week they thought baby seemed a little big based on fundal height, so US next week to check. Overall not super smooth and getting pretty damn frustrated with my body’s inability to do anything related to pregnancy right. 3. Anyone want to share passing their 3 hour after failing one hour? Give me hope. 4. See above haha. I’m whiny and frustrated but overall okay.
I keep having false alarms. Last night I had contractions that were 30 minutes apart. Then 20. 15. And then 10 minutes apart for over 90 minutes. And then they just stopped.
I am so over this. I’m exhausted and cranky and sore.
Induction Thursday morning if I don’t go before then.
Post by chocolatepie on Sept 30, 2019 12:41:06 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 34+5
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I made huge progress on my baby to-do list over the weekend and it feels great! Bought my mom car (still haven't picked it up - I am emotionally attached to my current car so this is a weepy subject for me); finished the nursery; finished all his laundry; and made and froze 3 more meals for maternity leave.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? I still feel great!
Post by stellelinds25 on Sept 30, 2019 14:33:08 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 35+5
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I’m getting to the point where I’m over all this. 3 weeks till induction can’t come soon enough
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Exhausted because I can’t get comfortable in bed anymore, slow AF, this morning I was a little crappy and felt blech for awhile.
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I’m over being monitored. Either say I have to have the baby, or leave me alone! All of the back and forth is just stressing me out. We also did maternity pictures last night (bf REALLY wanted them for whatever reason, otherwise I wouldn’t have done them). We got 2 sneak peeks and while the actual photos are gorgeous, all I see is the things I hate about myself.
3. Questions for the group? If you had to deliver at 37w, would you attempt an induction or elect for (repeat) csection? All along I’ve been hoping and planning to VBAC, but the ob this morning encouraged me to at least think a little about electing for a RCS if that’s what it comes to later this week.
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Pretty shitty. I have good moments, but overall I’m feeling pretty yucky in general. I’m not to the point of not wanting to be pregnant anymore yet, though.
I had an induced vbac at 38 weeks. The first was a CS at 37 w because he was breech and had low fluid. The second had to come at 38w because of low fluid, but she was at least head down. They let me do a super slow induction (strip membranes, walk, made some progress, so they started pitocin at 1. After 12-13 hours of that they eventually upped the pitocin one by one and then “broke my water”- there wasn’t any water to break lol- eventually they did have the pitocin relatively high bc we both tolerated it well.)
I’d probably try for the slow vbac induction! I was more sore from the vbac (issues unrelated to delivery, just my kid’s positioning/getting stuck/being ginormous lol), but being able to walk around and shower immediately and eat, etc was so much nicer. Plus avoiding major surgery, blah blah.
Post by humpforfree on Sept 30, 2019 14:45:14 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 27w4d
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? Ob appt on Wednesday for GD one hour (I already passed at 16w, so hopefully still good), and a growth scan. I’m excited to see the baby and a size update will be interesting. Lol
3. Questions for the group? I pulled out my old NB and 0-3 clothes yesterday to wash. I really only have like 2 nb sleepers and a couple onesies. Tons of 0-3 jammies/sleep n play things and a couple outfits. Did I just put the last one right into 0-3? (She was over 9lbs born) I really don’t want to buy more NB for the last kid (especially when I historically have big ones). I guess if it comes out tiny (or even earlier) I can make a target order for pickup on the way home? Do I need more in 0-3 than sleepers? I feel like I’ve forgotten everything in the last few years...
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Giant. Sore. The combo of being 4 years since the last time, the third baby, and chasing around a K and 4 year old while being pregnant makes me feel too old to be doing this again. I’m only 34! LOL
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week?
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point?
1. 29+2 2. Failed my one hour glucose last week, so had my 3 hour this morning. Also anemic and started iron pills. Feet are like balloons. Also having numbness/tingling in my right hand, I guess carpal tunnel is common in pregnancy. Last week they thought baby seemed a little big based on fundal height, so US next week to check. Overall not super smooth and getting pretty damn frustrated with my body’s inability to do anything related to pregnancy right. 3. Anyone want to share passing their 3 hour after failing one hour? Give me hope. 4. See above haha. I’m whiny and frustrated but overall okay.
I failed my 1 hour and passed my 3 hour test this pregnancy. After failing both and having GD with my first pregnancy. Its definitely a possibility, so I hope that's the case for you!
red - other people will have good anecdotes about failing the 1 hour and passing the 3 hour, but I will also give you the anecdote that I failed both with both DS and DD and I promise it wasn’t so bad. Just so you know that the worst case scenario isn’t the worst thing ever, I promise!
Post by chocolatelove on Sept 30, 2019 16:08:14 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 27+3
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? Wrote the check out to hold his place at daycare today. And took the diabetes test today. Back to OB tomorrow with a consult with anesthesia and the first growth scan. Hoping for good news all round.
3. Questions for the group? Not this week.
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Eh, ok. I was feeling better than I had been and felt like I got the heartburn, headaches, and sleep issues under control. But they are out of whack again and now back aches are setting in and swelling seems to be more pronounced as well. I’m trying to manage it all aggressively so I don’t feel too crappy. There is a wicked cold going around our house that I did not get as bad as the others, and am hoping these other symptoms are more pronounced and short lived because of the cold.
Post by lexisgrrl1980 on Sept 30, 2019 17:16:28 GMT -5
1. How far along are you?
20 weeks 4 days
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week?
Finally start to feel this little guy move, what an amazing feeling and nice to have the reassurance that he’s doing good in there. American baby shower date is set, won’t be able to set the date for the Indian shower for awhile yet, but at least one is done. Registry is looking good, so feeling a bit better about things, now on to cleaning out the room for the nursery.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point?
Not to bad, still tired, but otherwise feeling pretty good.
red - other people will have good anecdotes about failing the 1 hour and passing the 3 hour, but I will also give you the anecdote that I failed both with both DS and DD and I promise it wasn’t so bad. Just so you know that the worst case scenario isn’t the worst thing ever, I promise!
This is true. My sister was diagnosed with GD super early at 12 wks, bright side is it’s only a few months and I probably need a kick in the butt to eat healthier anyhow. Hope your LO makes an appearance soon!
Post by swiftlyirun on Sept 30, 2019 19:07:30 GMT -5
1. How far along are you?
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week?
Anatomy scan is tomorrow, praying all is well!
3. Questions for the group?
This is my third baby, but first boy. I didn’t have a shower for #2 because it just wasn’t my thing- I had all I needed. Now with #3 and a boy I have much more to buy. My friends have offered to host a shower and i think I’m going to accept with the caveat that I don’t want anything crazy, but they want me to decide on type (aka traditional shower or smaller restaurant) WWYD?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? The heartburn has arrived. I just ate the last of our ice cream and I think that’s it for this pregnancy. I can’t buy more and tempt myself. Sad.
Post by robinsbff on Sept 30, 2019 20:46:50 GMT -5
1. How far along are you? 35+5
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? we sent DS off to hang out with his aunts this weekend and did a major clean-up of our bedroom and the nursery, washed all the newborn clothes and blankets/sheets/towels/burp cloths. things are looking good, need to get carseat installed and also set pack n play up in living room, but a little work every weekend should get it done.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? had an appt last week, my blood pressure was great in the office, and the labs from last week look fine, but BP is still high at home on my monitor. doc said to just keep watching for other signs and monitoring at home. so, good news i guess? ultrasound this week and a regular appt too. i feel huge and getting more uncomfortable, but 17 days left of work so that countdown is getting me through.
3. Questions for the group? If you had to deliver at 37w, would you attempt an induction or elect for (repeat) csection? All along I’ve been hoping and planning to VBAC, but the ob this morning encouraged me to at least think a little about electing for a RCS if that’s what it comes to later this week.
i've already chosen the repeat csection (and hope I make it there!). i'm not a good candidate for VBAC and with my first i was induced, went through labor and ended with a csection anyway. i don't want to do both again. i didn't think recovery was all that bad, my DH was home with me for nearly a month though, so having that constant help was key to the smooth recovery i think. also, in every ultrasound since 12 weeks he's been measuring with a HUGE head, 98th-99th percentile. which, i gotta say, is a check in the csection vs VBAC column. for me, it came down to the csection is a known experience, i've done it before, versus a complete unknown, which is comforting for me (and my anxiety).
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? Not really, I need to get the nesting bug while I can still accomplish things. FIL and MIL are visiting for DS’s birthday next week so I’m sure we will be doing a lot of prep with them (MIL just can NOT sit still), hopefully FIL and DH can get the 400 lb treadmill out of the soon-to-be new cat room, that’s one thing I absolutely can’t do and is holding up doing anything with the nursery.
3. Questions for the group? Anything you did that you felt helped a toddler get ready for a new baby? DS is turning 2 and I was thinking of getting him a doll to practice being gentle with the “baby” but I’m not sure how much- if any- of that sort of thing would set in.
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? More tired than I feel like I *should* be, and waking up more often than I’d like this early, but overall can’t complain- second trimester is definitely the least difficult physically.
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I had a baby shower last weekend which was incredibility sweet. My SIL then revealed our baby name on fb. That was fun. She got it taken down pretty fast. I won't post it until after he is born.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? Exhausted. I physically feel better with this pregnancy then I remember feeling the other two times, but I've still hit that point of not sleeping because it's impossible to get comfortable.
2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for the week? I miss exercising already and am feeling a little crazy mood-wise on the progesterone. H has been great helping me through all this.
3. Questions for the group?
4. How are you feeling overall at this point? I feel physically good, just stressed over this short cervix business and the idea I could still lose this baby. I’ll be glad to talk to my OB this morning and see the next scan of the cervix on Friday to hope the progesterone is working.
red my OB office doesn’t even do the one hour because of the relatively high rate of failure among those who will pass a longer test. Since it’s important to diagnose GD if someone has it, the limit for failing the one hour is pretty low because they need it to catch anyone who MAY have it for further screening. FX you don’t have it.
Post by stellelinds25 on Oct 1, 2019 10:47:59 GMT -5
My kid has decided to be a little difficult right at the end. I had a NST today, but they weren’t seeing his HR spike with movement like they were looking for. So they sent me to MFM for an ultrasound. As it turns out, MFM isn’t actually worried about what they sent me over for. But they did find that my amniotic fluid is a little high. So I have to go back next week for a growth ultrasound to check on the fluid levels and his size since he was big at my last US. And then they may test me for gestational diabetes again since that’s often the cause of high fluid. She said she’s not worried at this point, so I’m following her lead. Anyone ever experience high fluid levels??